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There is a lot of information available about climate change and how each one of us can help taking actions.


The vast amount of information that flood the media makes it difficult for everyone to get involved and decide what to do. Especially those who don’t have a lot of time available to go through all the different sources and options.


Sustainable Habits gathers in one place everything you need to start to do something positive about climate change. We make it easy to gradually introduce a greener lifestyle for everyone and learn about all the different ways to make an impact.


We are different to other sources because our goal is to help people take actions that fit into their lives as well as help them understand the value of even the smallest changes made. We list a vast range of different actions that adheres to multiple budgets, lifestyles, and levels of interest. Our information are well organized and we also share useful resources to learn more  about climate change and sustainability, since knowledge is the most powerful tool to make conscious decisions.


Your actions, together with the effort of governments and industries worldwide, will have a critical impact on the society, lifestyles and climate change! Start today:


  • Browse the actions in the website

  • Select a few, make them your goals for a month and repeat

  • Follow our social media to get useful information and reminders

  • Purchase the calendar to create your personal journey and change habits succesfully! 



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If you wish having a selection of green actions at your finger tip and tracking your progress, the Sustainable Habits Calendar is what you need! 

Lets Take Action



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